T O P I C R E V I E W |
Posted - Apr 10 2015 : 02:48:57 I uploaded the demo and was able to get FastCap2 models to load and view perfectly.
I can also run FasterCap on FasterCap models and get good results.
But I cannot load FasterCap models into the project with FastCap2 so that I may view and edit them with Fastmodel.
For instance, from the FasterCap 2D model folder, I try to load coax_cable_2d.lst with FastCap2.
The viewing pane indicates bad float data on lines 3 and 4. Other FasterCap examples show other errors.
From the manuals, I got the impression that FastCap2 is used to load FasterCap or FastCap2 models for viewing/editing with FastModel.
Please let me know how to view/edit FasterCap model files with FastModel.
Thank you
3 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Enrico |
Posted - Apr 16 2015 : 02:13:30 You can already try a very simple script to export in FasterCap compatible format a structure modeled in FreeCAD. The script is available for copy&paste in the "Overlapping panels in FasterCap" thread under the FasterCap topic in the forum. I can also send you the file if you wish, please contact me at my email address in this case (s u pp ort [.at.] fastfi eldsolve rs.com - remove the spaces that are inserted only as anti-spam).
I will also keep you updated if when we'll have a more evolved workbench if FreeCAD, if you send me an a direct email, or if you prefer, here on the Forum.
Best Regards, Enrico
Posted - Apr 14 2015 : 22:50:23 "Actually it can be used as a viewer, also for 2D files, when asking FasterCap to dump the refined models in FastCap2 format"
Thank you for the tip. I will try this.
"We are moving to a different platform, based on the free CAD program FreeCAD, which is truly multi-OS. However the porting of the functionality available in FastModel to FreeCAD is not complete."
"Please let me know if this is a blocking point for you."
Enrico, I like your software because it is easy to use. The use of a CAD program to input simple structures will help a lot. Please let me know your time-frame is for making this feature available.
Enrico |
Posted - Apr 12 2015 : 23:49:32 FastModel has only a limited capability for editing FasterCap files. In particular, it does not support 2D input file visualization, as you realized. Actually it can be used as a viewer, also for 2D files, when asking FasterCap to dump the refined models in FastCap2 format.
The reason for incomplete support by FastModel is that FastModel is not multi-platform as of today. We are moving to a different platform, based on the free CAD program FreeCAD, which is truly multi-OS. However the porting of the functionality available in FastModel to FreeCAD is not complete.
Please let me know if this is a blocking point for you.
Best Regards, Enrico