I know this thread is rather dated, but I had the a similar question about using Python to interface to FasterCap. I managed to get it working. Here's the Python equivalent script for the VBS example.
# Fastercap python example
# This is a python implementation of the Visual basic script example in
# the Fastercap automation examples
# This example has been tested with Python 3.7.0
import os
import win32com.client
import win32api
FasterCap = win32com.client.Dispatch("FasterCap.Document")
pathStr = os.getcwd()
s = ["sphere0.txt", "sphere1.txt", "sphere2.txt", "sphere3.txt"]
for sphere in s:
FasterCap.Run(pathStr+"\\" +sphere +" -a0.01")
while FasterCap.IsRunning():
cap = FasterCap.getCapacitance()
print (sphere+" Cap={}".format(cap[0][0]))
If your python script crashes for some reason, you may need to go into the Windows task manager and manually kill FasterCap.exe.