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 Automatic mesh refinement

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
yan Posted - Apr 11 2023 : 10:10:15
Dear Enrico:
I find fastercap code have "Automatic mesh refinement".
1. do you have code mesh refine reference material?
2. RefineCriteria() principle is what.

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Enrico Posted - Apr 11 2023 : 10:37:24
Dear Yan,

you can check the FasterCap referenced papers at ht*ps://w* (replace the * with the proper letters in the address, this is an anti-spam measure), in particular the papers from Appel, the one from Hanrahan, and the one by Weiping Shi.
In a nutshell, the mesh refinement is based on Appel's algorithm that ws originally devised from the N-body problem (just like the multipole algorithm used in FastCap was invented to accelerate N-body computations) and then extended to solve Radiosity problems by Hanrahan.
FasterCap uses the same algorithm as used for Radiosity in a similar fashion to what done by Weiping Shi - although I personally find this latter paper a bit confusing.

Best Regards,

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