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 FasterCap and FastCap2
 Python package for FastFieldSolvers

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
EVaal Posted - Mar 07 2023 : 14:41:31
I'm a researcher using your software for my simulations, and I'm wondering if there is a Python package available that I could use as a wrapper for your software. If not, I would like to explore the possibility of developing a Python package for FasterCap myself.

I noticed that you have an add-on for FreeCAD that uses Python. Could this be used as a starting point for a Python package? I am familiar with Python and would be happy to contribute to such a project if it's something you'd be interested in.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Enrico Posted - Mar 07 2023 : 14:49:23
Hi EVaal,

no, as of today there is no Python package wrapper for FasterCap.
FreeCAD indeed uses Python but I don't believe this can be a good starting point per se - it is not controlling FasterCap in any way, but acting as a pre-processor / post-processor.

The intention for the FreeCAD E.M. Workbench was to make it capable of controlling the solvers but as external computation engines: launching them in their own shell context and improving the solvers to output information in a more structured way (JSON is the most upvoted) to be easily parseable by an external controlling application.

Actually all our solvers can be controlled via MS Automation, but unfortunately this works only under MS Windows and to fully exploit the possibilities given there you also need to set-up callback functions, which I saw it is not trivial for most of the users. I would prefer to rely on file input / output that is straightforward (more than using sockets etc.)

Have you already packaged any C/C++ application for Python? I think it is quite interesting.

Best Regards,

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