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 FasterCap and FastCap2
 On the question of structural modeling

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
teny Posted - Nov 19 2022 : 15:21:31
Dear Enrico,
If I want to extract the capacitance of a complex model, do I have to go through .lit file? I tried to write the structure all in a .qui file. But doing this doesn't seem to work?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Enrico Posted - Nov 22 2022 : 11:39:03
Dear Teny,

the .qui files can model a complex geometry but you cannot specify dielectrics or different permittivities.

In general, you should rely on .lst files. In our FastFieldSolvers bundle you can find many examples, when installed on Windows, under the 'Samples' directory.

Note that FastCap is more limited in the .lst file options, while FasterCap has much more powerful capabilities in interpreting input files and accepts fully hierarchical geometrical definitions.

Best Regards,

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