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 Saturation effects

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
maba1971 Posted - Nov 13 2019 : 12:06:11
I simulate a current shunt consisting of resistive foil material glued to an aluminum mounting body with fasthenry. I wonder about the signal levels of the impedance calculation.

I think the simulation is done with small signal exitation and saturation effects are not included in the impedance matrix, am I right?

Thanks in advance!

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Enrico Posted - Nov 14 2019 : 18:02:16
Would you need the capability to simulate magnetic materials? We are looking for sponsorships in this area. If you are interested, kindly contact us (see the 'Contact' page).

Best Regards,

maba1971 Posted - Nov 14 2019 : 08:16:18
Hey Enrico,
thanks for your fast response, you have answered my question.
I will check the documentation in the "Literature->Publication" page too.

best regards

Enrico Posted - Nov 14 2019 : 00:03:55
FastHenry is a field solver that is able to solve the Maxwell's equations for the magnetic field in the quasi-static domain using the boundary element method. The relevant papers describing the method are referenced in the "Literature->Publication" page.

Said that, at present FastHenry do not handle magnetic materials, so saturation is not considered not because of the approximation, but because ferromagnetic materials are not supported.

Am I answering your question, or were you referring to different phenomenons? In the latter case, could you elaborate?

Best Regards,

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