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 How to execute in FreeCAD?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
HallieHe Posted - May 21 2018 : 17:56:22
Is there a detailed instruction of how to export the mesh file from FreeCAD? I have a geometry opened in FreeCAD and was able to add as a macro. But what should I do next?

Hallie He
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Enrico Posted - May 24 2018 : 21:30:30
Happy you found it useful! Planning to make it more user-friendly, and with a GUI, since a while, probably this will happen later this year. This will be easier and faster if we can also find a sponsor.

Best Regards,

HallieHe Posted - May 23 2018 : 22:04:12
Thanks! I spent some time to get used to FreeCAD and was able to run it. It turns out I didn't need export_faces - I only need to call export_mesh in the Python Console.

BTW, this macro is so helpful! I was able to convert all the copper pads on my PCB to FastCap and simulate the capacitance.

Hallie He
Enrico Posted - May 22 2018 : 15:54:12
You need to use one of the functions available in the macro. Usually this is

You can see the function prototype for a short description on how to use it:

def export_faces(filename, isDiel=False, name="", showNormals=False, folder=DEF_FOLDER):
    '''export faces in FasterCap format as conductor or dielectric interface
    The function operates on the selection. The selection can be a face, a compound or a solid.
    'filename' is the name of the export file
    'isDiel' specifies if the mesh is a dielectric, so the function will add 
        a reference point to each panel to indicate which is the external side (outside)
    'name' is the name of the conductor created in the file. If not specified, defaults
        to the label of the first element in the selection set
    'showNormals' will add a compound object composed by a set of arrows showing the 
        normal direction for each panel
    'folder' is the folder in which 'filename' will be saved
    export_faces("mymesh.txt", folder="C:/temp")

Best Regards,

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