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 Fastmodel View not working

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mtmorrione Posted - Jul 17 2015 : 18:24:15
installed 64 bit bundle on windows 7 machine. loaded in simple capacitor model and viewed 3d parallel plates. After working a while understanding the bundle, I tried to load another model... could not find models for a while, did a search and found them... put them in a known directory... but now when I load them I see the text in fastCap2, but not in the Fastmodel window... yes tried view all, etc. I tried uninstalling and then re-install... same result. I think the uninstall is not complete.

Any suggestions?

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Enrico Posted - Jul 20 2015 : 12:19:51
Sorry for the trivial question, but are also the .qui files in the same directory as the input file you c&p'd?
Can you see the .qui files as well as text in FastModel?

mtmorrione Posted - Jul 17 2015 : 19:54:25
The models I used are the ones supplied.
In particular I used


C&P as requested

* fastcap surface list file for two concentric spherical shells
* - inner is a conductor surface
* - outer is a dielectric/dielectric (coating/air) interface
* radius 1 shell is the conductor
C sphere2.qui 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
* radius 2 shell is the dielectric interface - air on the outside
D sphere_big2.qui 1.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -
Enrico Posted - Jul 17 2015 : 19:42:42
Can you provide more information, in particular which is the 'invisible' input file? Is this a standard sample, or your own file? In the latter case, can you c&p it in the forum for checking?

Best Regards,

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