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 Warning: Filaments meeting at a point

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Aubert Posted - Apr 23 2020 : 14:46:27
When running the inductance computation I sometime get multiple repeated warnings in red of the form :

Warning: Filaments meeting at a point, case N
This is due to non-orthogonal overlapping segments;
if overlap region is small compared to segment lenght,
results will still be accurate

[where N is 1, 2 or 4]

While I usually get reasonable results at the end it would be nice to avoid these warnings. Surely any change of direction of contiguous conductors not at right angles will be non-orthogonal. Could I get some further guidance as to how to avoid such warning conditions? Many thanks!

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Aubert Posted - May 01 2020 : 17:53:40
Dear Enrico,

I just wanted to let you know that by repositioning my nodes appropriately the warnings went away.

Many thanks for that extra insight that was needed. Thanks also for the information on VoxHenry which may well be of interest in future.

Best wishes

Enrico Posted - Apr 24 2020 : 10:55:51
Dear JM,

usually you get these warnings when not only the segments of contiguous conductors are joined at non-right angles, but the segments are short w.r.t. the overlapping part.

If you cannot avoid short overlapping segments, then probably your structure should be modeled by a grid of orthogonal segments instead, 'discretizing' your structure. Remember that FastHenry assumes that the current not only flows only in the direction of the segment but also that all the endpoints of the filaments composing the segments are shorted together at the two ends of the segment (respectively).

By the way, if your structure would be better approximated / simulated using a grid of segments, you may find out VoxHenry a better solution than FastHenry (today VoxHenry is available only in Octave/MatLab as 'prototype', we are completing the C++ porting).


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