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14 Posts

Posted - Apr 26 2023 :  08:50:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dear Enrico:
Hello, I'm not quite clear about the implementation of this part code. I cannot relate my understanding of Gaussian-Legendre integration to this part of the code. Could you please provide relevant reference materials? Thank you.
jacobian = (vert2d02-vert2d01)*vert2d12 -


result = 0;

for(i=0; i<m_uiNorder[rule]; i++) {

// calculates the transformed numerical integration point

point0 = (vert2d01-vert2d02) * m_clsPoints[rule][i][0] +

vert2d02 * (m_clsPoints[rule][i][2] - m_clsPoints[rule][i][1]);

point1 = vert2d12 * (m_clsPoints[rule][i][2] - m_clsPoints[rule][i][0] - m_clsPoints[rule][i][1]);

// calculate 3D point location

// optimized operation

//p3d = vertexes[0] + x*point[0] + y*point[1];

p3d.x = vertexes[0].x + x.x*point0 + y.x*point1;

p3d.y = vertexes[0].y + x.y*point0 + y.y*point1;

p3d.z = vertexes[0].z + x.z*point0 + y.z*point1;

// calculate the potential at given point due to second triangle

pot = 1/Mod(p3d - r);

// sum up the result

result += m_dWeight[rule][i]*pot;


531 Posts

Posted - Apr 28 2023 :  22:30:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Teny,

the quadrature rules are not Gauss-Legendre but, according to the order, follow different rules for quadrature points and weights, as commented in the code:

//    1, NORDER =  1, precision 1, Zienkiewicz #1.
//    2, NORDER =  3, precision 2, Strang and Fix formula #1.
//    3, NORDER =  3, precision 2, Strang and Fix formula #2, Zienkiewicz #2.
//    4, NORDER =  4, precision 3, Strang and Fix formula #3, Zienkiewicz #3.
//    5, NORDER =  6, precision 3, Strang and Fix formula #4.
//    6, NORDER =  6, precision 3, Stroud formula T2:3-1.
//    7, NORDER =  6, precision 4, Strang and Fix formula #5.
//    8, NORDER =  7, precision 4, Strang and Fix formula #6.
//    9, NORDER =  7, precision 5, Strang and Fix formula #7,
//       Stroud formula T2:5-1, Zienkiewicz #4, Schwarz Table 2.2.
//   10, NORDER =  9, precision 6, Strang and Fix formula #8.
//   11, NORDER = 12, precision 6, Strang and Fix formula #9.
//   12, NORDER = 13, precision 7, Strang and Fix formula #10.
//   13, NORDER =  7, precision ?.
//   14, NORDER = 16, precision 7, conical product Gauss, Stroud formula T2:7-1.
//   15, NORDER = 64, precision 15, triangular product Gauss rule.
//   16, NORDER = 19, precision 8, from CUBTRI, ACM TOMS #584.
//   17, NORDER = 19, precision 9, from TRIEX, Lyness and Jespersen.
//   18, NORDER = 28, precision 11, from TRIEX, Lyness and Jespersen.
//   19, NORDER = 37, precision 13, from ACM TOMS #706.

The rules are taken from the collection by Stroud. You can find an online reference here: ht*ps:// (replace the anti-spam * characters with the proper ones). The code is not taken from the original, that is in Fortran, but written from scratch and optimized.

To get an idea of how it works, you can refer to the Mutual_3thOrd_FullNum() function that is fairly well commented and is used for low-precision mutual potentials calculations (for higher orders, the extension is obvious and anyway it is in the same file Potential.cpp):

// Mutual cofficient of potential between two triangular patches
// with uniform charge
// This version is fully numerical and uses Strang and Fix, formula #3,
// 4 points, 3th order, for numerical quadrature (from Stroud)
// vertexes1 is an array of 3 3D point coordinates,
//           corresponding to the vertexes of the first triangle
// vertexes2 is an array of 3 3D point coordinates,
//           corresponding to the vertexes of the second triangle
double CPotential::Mutual_3thOrd_FullNum(C3DVector_float vertexes1[3],
						  C3DVector_float vertexes2[3], bool divideByArea)
	C3DVector t1side1, t1side2, t1side3, t1normal, t1x, t1y, t1z;
	C3DVector t2side1, t2side2, t2side3, t2normal, t2x, t2y, t2z;
	C2DVector t1local2D[3], t2local2D[3];
	C3DVector t1transform[2], t2transform[2];
	double mod_t1side1, mod_t2side1, mod_t1normal, mod_t2normal;
	double t1jacobian, t2jacobian, pot, result, point_x, point_y;
	int i, j, k;

	// numerical 2D quadrature over a triangle
	// uses Stroud 4 points, 3th order
	// initialize matrices of integration points and weights
	// (in homogeneous coordinates)
	static const double points[POTENTIAL_PTS_3TH_ORDER][3] = {
		{0.33333333333333333333333333333333, 0.33333333333333333333333333333333, 1.0},
		{0.6,                                0.2,                                1.0},
		{0.2,                                0.6,                                1.0},
		{0.2,                                0.2,                                1.0}};

	static const double weights2[POTENTIAL_W2_3TH_ORDER] =
		{ 0.31640625, -0.29296875,                         -0.29296875,                         -0.29296875,
		 -0.29296875,  0.27126736111111111111111111111111,  0.27126736111111111111111111111111,  0.27126736111111111111111111111111,
		 -0.29296875,  0.27126736111111111111111111111111,  0.27126736111111111111111111111111,  0.27126736111111111111111111111111,
		 -0.29296875,  0.27126736111111111111111111111111,  0.27126736111111111111111111111111,  0.27126736111111111111111111111111};

	// calculate local coordinate frame for triangle 1

	// compute side vectors of triangle
	t1side1 = vertexes1[1] - vertexes1[0];
	t1side2 = vertexes1[2] - vertexes1[1];
	t1side3 = vertexes1[0] - vertexes1[2];

	// compute unit vector normal to triangle plane (uses vector product)
	t1normal = CrossProd(t1side1, t1side2);
	mod_t1normal = Mod(t1normal);
	t1z = t1normal / mod_t1normal;

	// compute local x, y axes versors; x is along side1,
	// y is perp. to side1 in counter-clockwise direction
	mod_t1side1 = Mod(t1side1);
	t1x = t1side1 / mod_t1side1;
	// note that, since x and z are unit vectors, y is too
	t1y = CrossProd(t1x, t1z);

	// calculate local coordinate frame for triangle 2

	// compute side vectors of triangle
	t2side1 = vertexes2[1] - vertexes2[0];
	t2side2 = vertexes2[2] - vertexes2[1];
	t2side3 = vertexes2[0] - vertexes2[2];

	// compute unit vector normal to triangle plane (uses vector product)
	t2normal = CrossProd(t2side1, t2side2);
	mod_t2normal = Mod(t2normal);
	t2z = t2normal / mod_t2normal;

	// compute local x, y axes versors; x is along side1,
	// y is perp. to side1 in counter-clockwise direction
	mod_t2side1 = Mod(t2side1);
	t2x = t2side1 / mod_t2side1;
	// note that, since x and z are unit vectors, y is too
	t2y = CrossProd(t2x, t2z);

	// calculates the coordinates of the triangles in local 2D frame;
	// the origin is located on first vertex.
	// Remark: it is assumed that C2DVertex coordinates defualt to zero

	t1local2D[1].x = mod_t1side1;
	t1local2D[2].x = -DotProd(t1side3, t1x);
	t1local2D[2].y = -DotProd(t1side3, t1y);

	t2local2D[1].x = mod_t2side1;
	t2local2D[2].x = -DotProd(t2side3, t2x);
	t2local2D[2].y = -DotProd(t2side3, t2y);

	// calculates the coordinate transformation needed
	// to map the first triangle to a unit triangle
	// Basically, this is the following operation
	//	static const double unittranmtx[9] = { 0, 1, 0,
	//	                                      1, 0, 0,
	//							             -1,-1, 1};
	// 	transform = local2D * unittranmtx;
	// where unittranmtx is the inverse of [0,1,0;1,0,0;1,1,1],
	// the matrix representing the unit triangle
	// Explanation: we are in 2D, but we use homogeneous coordinates.
	// The mapping is a linear transformation, i.e. to map a point (xt, yt, 1)
	// from a unit triangle to a point (x0, y0, 1) on a general triangle we use:
	// x0 = a*xt + b*yt + c
	// y0 = d*xt + e*yt + f
	// Therefore to map the corners of a unit triangle to the corners of a general
	// triangle we have:
	// [ x0 x1 x2 ]    [ a b c ]   [ 0 1 0 ]
	// [ y0 y1 y2 ]  = [ d e f ] * [ 1 0 0 ]
	// [  1  1  1 ]    [ 0 0 1 ]   [ 1 1 1 ]
	// where the last matrix is the matrix representing the vertex of the unit
	// triangle in homogeneous coordinates
	// We would like to know the matrix Trans = [a b c; d e f; 0 0 1] to be able to map
	// integration points in the unit triangle to integration points in our triangle.
	// The matrix is therefore Trans = MyTri * inv(UnitTri)

	// calculate transform for triangle 1 and 2
	// (only significative values are calculated, so last line of transform mtx
	// is trivial, moreover t1local2D[0] is (0.0, 0.0) and t1local2D[1].y is 0.0)

	t1transform[0].x = t1local2D[1].x - t1local2D[2].x;
	t1transform[0].y = -t1local2D[2].x;
	t1transform[0].z = t1local2D[2].x;
	t1transform[1].x = -t1local2D[2].y;
	t1transform[1].y = -t1local2D[2].y;
	t1transform[1].z = t1local2D[2].y;

	t2transform[0].x = t2local2D[1].x - t2local2D[2].x;
	t2transform[0].y = -t2local2D[2].x;
	t2transform[0].z = t2local2D[2].x;
	t2transform[1].x = -t2local2D[2].y;
	t2transform[1].y = -t2local2D[2].y;
	t2transform[1].z = t2local2D[2].y;

	// this is the jacobian of the transforms (a determinant)

	t1jacobian = t1transform[0].x*t1transform[1].y-

	t2jacobian = t2transform[0].x*t2transform[1].y-

	// calculate the transformed 3D points for triangle 1 and 2
	for(i=0; i<POTENTIAL_PTS_3TH_ORDER; i++) {

		// triangle 1

		// calculates the transformed 2D numerical integration point
		point_x = t1transform[0].x * points[i][0] +
			 	  t1transform[0].y * points[i][1] +
			 	  t1transform[0].z * points[i][2];
		point_y = t1transform[1].x * points[i][0] +
				  t1transform[1].y * points[i][1] +
				  t1transform[1].z * points[i][2];

		// calculate 3D point location
		t1p3d[i] = vertexes1[0] + t1x*point_x + t1y*point_y;

		// triangle 2

		// calculates the transformed 2D numerical integration point
		point_x = t2transform[0].x * points[i][0] +
			 	  t2transform[0].y * points[i][1] +
			 	  t2transform[0].z * points[i][2];
		point_y = t2transform[1].x * points[i][0] +
				  t2transform[1].y * points[i][1] +
				  t2transform[1].z * points[i][2];

		// calculate 3D point location
		t2p3d[i] = vertexes2[0] + t2x*point_x + t2y*point_y;

	// calculate the integral
	result = 0;
	for(i=0, k=0; i<POTENTIAL_PTS_3TH_ORDER; i++) {
		for(j=0; j<POTENTIAL_PTS_3TH_ORDER; j++) {
			// calculate the kernel value between given integration points
			pot = 1/Mod(t1p3d[i] - t2p3d[j]);
			// sum up the result
			result = result + weights2[k]*pot;
			// increment weight counter

	// do not forget the jacobian!
	// note that we should multiply by the unit triangle area, i.e. 1/2
	// (could be included in the weights; it is a side effect of how, in Stroud,
	// the transformed coordinates are calculated); however we do NOT perform
	// this operation here, since we should then divide by the two triangles area,
	// which include a divide by 2 operation, so they compensate
	result = result * t1jacobian * t2jacobian;

	// The modulus of the triangle normal is 2 * area of triangle
	if( divideByArea == true )
		result /= mod_t1normal*mod_t2normal;

	// return result
	return( result / FOUR_PI_TIMES_E0 );

Hope this helps,

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